Happy New Year and Welcome 2018!
In the fresh start of the new year, we are beginning our Pay it Forward campaign. As a non-profit, we rely on the generosity of our supporters to keep our services low-priced and accessible to striving small business owners. Our program fosters the growth of both companies and business owners alike, and our Alumna, Susan Weinzierl, shares her success story as the chair of this year's campaign.
As a PowerLink Alumna, I was asked to share my story so you could understand the impact PowerLink had on my business, and why I agreed to chair this campaign.
My husband owned a very successful printing company, and I was a stay-at-home mom. Then the news that no one wants to hear came to us. My husband was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Besides being devastated, we were at a loss. What do we do with the business? Grace comes in amazing ways…two people told me about PowerLink. I called and was welcomed with supportive and open arms. PowerLink agreed to form a custom Advisory Board to help Mike and me figure out what to do. PowerLink recruited five amazing advisors and an Executive-in-Residence. They met with us for 18 months while Mike and I navigated plans for the future, and then for two years after that. Mike and I decided to keep the business…then he proceeded to teach me and the board everything he knew. After Mike passed, the PowerLink Board hung in there to make sure I understood everything and helped me make some tough calls about people and process. They taught me how to think and make decisions like a CEO.
PowerLink is a non-profit organization that does this work through low monthly fees and subsidies from foundations and grateful graduates like me who want to “Pay It Forward.” If you feel you would like to make a monthly pledge or a donation to our Pay It Forward Fund, please join me in pledging below.
Thank you so much for your support.

Susan Weinzierl
President and Owner
Professional Graphic Communications, Inc.
P.S. Best Wishes for a successful 2018.
PowerLink prides itself on helping businesses grow and reach their next level of success. The cost of a PowerLink Advisory Board for a striving small business is $295/month. If you can make a contribution to sponsor a business for one year or one month or anything in between, we would greatly appreciate it. Our goal is to help 25 companies per year.
Also, save the date for our "Connect the Dots Annual Awards Ceremony" which will take place on Monday, April 23, 2018 (location TBD).
To donate via PayPal please click the link below, or you can send a check with the memo Pay it Forward to PowerLink, 1501 Ardmore Blvd, Ste 404, Pittsburgh, PA 15221.
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